Kaitlin Klassen

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Headshot for Kaitlin Klassen

Kaitlin Klassen became the Wardrobe Mistress at Merlyn Productions in December 2015, after joining the company as Apprentice Costume Designer for “Sleeping Beauty” in October of that year.

Since then, she has continued costuming the company's various plays, including “And Then There Was One” (ChristieFest 2017), “Ernie's Incredible Illucinations” (AyckbournFest 2016), and the revived 2015/2016 production runs of “The World of The Brothers Grimm”.

Kaitlin has been sewing and designing garments since age fourteen. Inspired by the fantastical creations in the Star Wars films, she soon moved onto historical costuming and became an expert in period fashions.

She has read the entire Brothers Grimm collection cover to cover, and enjoys fairy tales and fantasy just as much as science fiction. Kaitlin currently works as a seamstress in Winnipeg.

Last Updated: March 24, 2017
For Production: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
[ Playbill & Credits ]  [ Cast Bios & Headshots ]
Status: Core MemberJoined: September 10, 2015Seasons: 6
Productions: 16On Stage: 0On Staff/Crew: 16

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