John Chase

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Headshot for John Chase

John Chase is the Artistic Director of Merlyn Productions, and the Chief Instructor at the Winnipeg Theatre School. As an actor, director, producer, and stage manager, he has worked on more than 130 local productions.

John picked up the torch of producing classic children’s tales after working extensively with Fantasy Theatre for Children for twenty seasons (1991-2011).

An alumnus of The Theatre School, John studied acting and directing in the 1990s under founder Tony Frost, from whom he inherits his methods today. While at FTC, he also directed multiple shows for its adult arm, G.D. Productions.

John began producing local theatre independently in 1997, and staging annual seasons of plays with Merlyn Productions in 2009.

His first Winnipeg Fringe Festival appearance was 30 years ago with FTC in “Ming Lee and The Magic Tree”.

Last Updated: July 20, 2023
For Production: The BLABBERMOUTH, the PUFF MONSTER, and the WOLF
[ Playbill & Credits ]  [ Cast Bios & Headshots ]
Status: Core MemberJoined: November 1, 2008Seasons: 12
Productions: 52On Stage: 5On Staff/Crew: 52

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